Three Battles ??
???? (a general hangs the stamp)?
?????????? (two hands separate, the claws of the crane go down from the sides of the body)?
??? (forward the right foot)?
?????? (both hands of the fairy hold the water up)?
???? (two dragons snatch a pearl)?
??? (then contract back)?
???? (forward three equal steps)?
????? (retreat three steps, then forward three steps OR retreat three equal steps and forward one step)?
??? (enter left foot)?
???? (a flying phoenix spreads her wings)?
????? (add a knife to cut the lotus flowers)?
???? (a swaggering king stretches open a bow)?
???? (left bow, right bow)?
???? (left arrow, right arrow)?
???? (a lion opens the mouth)?
?? (kindly offer the fist)?
???? (two stars drop towards the ground)?